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12 July, 2002 - 5:19 p.m.

Yeah yeah I know i just updated 6 hours ago, but...

I got my raise today!!! woo! hehehhe :} Go me :}

To celebrate, I was silly and went out and got hair dye and dyed my hair again. :D it needed it, it was just about my natural colour, it was too scary :} So it's medium red now. just a tinge lighter than my real colour, since it was a strawberry blonde coloured dye :}

Yay for raises! :D


I smell like hair dye :P ick

i need to put the laundry i did yesterday away. it's still sitting on my floor. hmm sounds like i'm getting more at home here, i'm leaving things on the floor :D

ants grr we keep getting ants on the stove and in the dishwasher and in the sink... mmm fryed and washed ants. yummy yum yum




sunny days

being in a silly bouncy mood.



clif bars



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