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13 July, 2002 - 12:33 a.m.

and another 6 hours later.... :D

veganboy came over and we went to CPG's house and he got vegan chocolate tofu pie for his bday. I was hungry, so we all went to dinner. it was good and yummy. the waitress from great. i got oreo cookie cheesecake. we were silly, they were playing disco-y music so we were being silly, and playing with table implements and making art. the waitress took it rather well. she got a nice tip. veganboy wanted to see a movie, so we got a free paper and discovered that the crocodile hunter movie came out, and we wanted a stupid silly movie to see, it was perfect. it was actually very hilarious. they seemed to be having fun, and kinda making fun of themselves, and it was wierd to see at the end of the credits "even though they are real people. the events are fictitious" instead of "the character and events in this picture are fictitious"

anyways it was lots of fun.

I had a really good day today :}


time to go sleepies


really fun day


cute dresses





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