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14 July, 2002 - 2:34 p.m.

Mmm popovers.... I actually felt domesticated enough today to bake. made 1 1/2 dozen popover while i was cooking lunch (streamed rice with mushrooms and carrots) . Yummy. i'm almost tempted to try something else. I cleaned up the cabinet under the sink too.

I wanted to go and wander around a music store and bookstore, but i didn't want to go alone, and couldn't find someone to go with, but it let to boredom based productivity, so.

It looks like grinninggirl won't be coming out as planned again, she didn't buy her tickets fast enough and lost the sale fare. she'll have to visit later...


both my housemates have been sucked in by EQ. they are being antisocial and the kitchen is getting dirty, even though i cleaned up some this morning and last night. :P


fresh baked food.



relaxing weekends



Now Playing: meat beat manifesto- asbestos lead asbestos, NFG better off dead �

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