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17 July, 2002 - 12:45 p.m.

last night i went out 80's dancing with lynx and Somebody. It was lots of fun. stayed out till 2am. whhheeeee.

i went to lunch with CRG yesterday too. fun fun

I played my usual morning DDR and i got my first A score! on wild rush basic, combo all the way through, with only 28 greats :} Go me. i'm the first person to get an A of anyone that's played konamix at my house too :} I'm getting better. i can get about halfway through some 6 foot songs now, and i can pass a good portion of the 5 foot ones. Yay Me. Nowhere near a good as tyger or Rkitty, but i'm getting there :}

grinninggirl will be coming out after all, she was able to use her airmile thingys to get the ticket :} Woo.


I need a shower, i'm all icky and sweaty, and i was all icky and sweaty lastnight, thus, my hair feels nastyuck. I should go shower huh?

it's 'possed to be overlywarm again this weekend.

veganboy's work reset their firewall settings, so he can't use ANY IM's now. so no more talking to him at werk :{ poor thing's gonna prolly start falling asleep at werk without people to keep him awake :D he should rally that having access to an IM will boost his productivity :}




breathing, breathing is good and not overrated

grape soda



Now Playing: marilyn manson- dope show, weird al- isle thing, enya- only tine (radio pop mix) �

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