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20 July, 2002 - 5:14 p.m.

well lesse. wed. night i went out to dinner with tyger, which was fun. I introduced him to a restaurant he'd never been to before. :}

thursday i went and helped veganboy junk his car pricilla *frowns lots* she's been dead for a bit, but she was so pretty, all covered in anime. so we cut off her body parts to save to hang on walls, and then he insides are going ot a junkyard on monday. it was fun to pull apart a car though. I got cut a bit, and real dirty, and he got more cut and more dirty. once we finished for the evening me him and CRG went to dinner. Yum.

yesterday i had to go to a party at work for a bit, then i went shopping. i bought 3 books, some nifty black bondage pants with lots of zippers and pockets and jangly bits :} and some bright bright pink undies to wear with the pants just for the purpose of frightening people should they happen to see :D the pants are really really comfy.

when i got home, shrew and tyger were hungry, so we went out to din din. when we got home, i worked on reading one of my books (about halfway through now)

today veganboy and CRG came over and we watched iron chef and red dwarf for a bit, then went ot lunch at the chinese place down the st. I hadn't been there yet, it's pretty good, and cheap, and they serve RC cola. I loaned CRG my playstation i'm not using, cheap DDR pad, and the DDR usa game, which has the beginner level, so she can learn to play in the privacy of her own home with no one but the cats staring at her. we will get her addicted yet :D

we went to whole foods and i got some yummy guacamole and some cookies, and some pretty smelly soaps , and hten we went to the pet store and got cat litter and fud. And now I'm home, Woo.

It's been really hot the past two days. Ugh. i'm really glad we have a/c Mmmm a/c....

me and veganboy are planning crazy things. on friday grinninggirl and chuck come to visit, and while we should prolly both rest on thursday to prep for the busy weekend, we decided to go to farmer's market in SLO about 3 hours away and get yummy food and visit my sister. we won't get back till late, but it should be fun :] we are flying out to visit my daddoo and one of veganboy's friends in a bit too. busy busy us :} but it's all fun fun busy so yay! time spent with veganboy is usually nifty :]


I need to organize my sock drawer, it's full, yet i have trouble finding matching sets of socks :P

veganboy told me which dates he wanted to go visiting, and now i've forgetten, so i can't call and buy tickets. i'll have to email him later at werk :}



planning fun things

ankle massages


nifty artwork

discovering tearing apart a car with nothing but your hands, a screwdriver, and a sawzall (sp?) is kinda fun :}

yummy chinese food

clean laundry



Now Playing: NFG- hit or miss, NFG- heaven, revCo- crackin up, avril lavigne- sk8ter b0i �

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