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21 July, 2002 - 8:13 p.m.

Grrr my daddo sucks. He said veganboy can't stay at his house :{ Foo. that puts a kink in our plans.

I bought a vacuum and a new stereo (my old one won't play cd's any more) and a bunch of toys for my inner child. Yay. It was fun a bit, i went with tyger and we sat and ate first.

otherwise today i've done nothing.... yay me :} heh.


Hot out today

i've had a mild sinus headache all day.

missing people i rarely get to see..


new toys hello kitty and a popple!

animaniacs- i caught an episode today that i'd never seen before, the beauty and hte beast musical parody :D it was sooo funny :}

tyger is silly and was quoteing UHF all the time we were wandering around :}



Now Playing: stabbing westward- crushing me, rammstein- engel �

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