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26 July, 2002 - 8:49 a.m.

We ended up going. Yay. I'm really glad we did. It was Absolutly silly because we got going late so we spent more time in the car than actually there (driving: 6 hours, there:3 hours) It was very fun to see my sister though, and some old friends too. We wandered around bookstores and musicstores some, and just hung out, and there was lots of scritching involved :} A friend of hers promised to try to make her come visit me up here soon :} I got to see a few friends I didn't expect to see there, and there were a few i'd hoped to see that i didn't, but it was very very fun. Veganboy ate some tomatoes that didn't agree with him though, and he got sick right after we left for home, we rested at a gas station for a bit til he was feeling better. When i got home (around midnightish) I was asleep within 15 minutes i was so tired. Sitting in a car half a day is surprisingly exhausting :P


I need to thwap myself some, or something, I've not been remembering to eat much lately. All i ate yesterday was some Taffy candy, and the day before that i think i just had a bowl of steamed rice and broccolli, though i don't remember, i might have had breakfast. I am now telling myself I am going to go down and eat some breakfast, even though i'm not hungry


visiting my sister and friends

leaving here yesterday when it was rather hot, going down to the coast where it was nice and cool, then coming back home and having the weather here changed to a nice cool temp, granted it's still only 9am, it could get hot, but...

getting to leave to go pick up friends from the airport in about an hour :}

Veganboy was playing ren and stimpy songs in the car, and i have the happy happy joy joy song and log stuck in my head now :P I'm not sure if this is silly, annoying, or what :D



Now Playing: ashley macisaac- brenda stubbert, system of a down- metro, jill sobule- i kissed a girl �

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