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25 July, 2002 - 9:22 a.m.

Me and veganboy were planning a trip to visit my sister today, but neither of us has any money, so it may not happen if we can't scrounge anything up. we'll see. I'd really like to go though. I get paid tomorrow, but that doesn't help me today :P

Work was pretty boring yesterday, to make up for my euphoria the other day. there was nothing to do other than sit there really. I ended up wandering around trying to look like i was busy most the day :}

Hmmm my tummy just rumbled at me, i should prolly eat breakfast.

I get to visit nifty people tomorrow, yay :}


I keep typing visit as visist the last few days


needing to go to the grocery store, but no money till tomorrow.


nifty people



Now Playing: banarama- cruel summer, switchblade symphony- clown, loreena mckenitt- mummers dance �

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