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29 July, 2002 - 10:20 a.m.

very fun weekend.

grinninggirl goes home today though, we head to the airport soon. mew

we did lots of eating dinner places, and we cut a friend of ours' hair.

and we sat around and watched tv. it was fairly relaxed. i did get kinda sick of people in general by last night. Next weekend i plan to do nothing or very little involving people. the weekend after that is me and veganboy's trip, so i need a week off between them, or i'll get too stressed.

I need to go to the bank today, and do some other chores. and i need to clean the house up some, the bathroom is ucky, and there are blankies and stuff that need washing.



i was playing with boo last night, and i didn't get away fast enough, and so i have a nice clawmark on my hand now. My own fault, but..

we have lots of ant's right now :{ in the kitchen, and in the downstairs bathroom. hopefully they will go away soon.



rugrat gave me a bottle of blue pepsi in trade for a can of red fusion :} I hope it's yummy. It was hot from being in his truck, so it's in the fridge being cool now. I found the safeway near veganboy's house carries cases of red fusion though. yay



Now Playing: offspring- vultures, nirvana- stay away, hooverphonic- shake the disease �

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