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31 July, 2002 - 10:10 a.m.

I've been trying to get started writting again. I got some writting prompts to try to get me going, and i am now working on an essay for It's pretty personal though, so I don't know if i'll actually use it. I tried to make it less so, but it just seemed too superficial, and the essay as a whole isn't very focused, so it will need work anyways.

I need to work on the adventures of The Spatula Again, too.

life seems very interesting right now. I just need to figure out if it's a good interesting or not.

I wonder how silly veganboy thinks I am? I was bored on my break at work yesterday and called him at work, knowing he'd prolly be fairly bored, and told him that i Love him and he's wonderful. :} he said thank you, but he prolly thinks i'm silly, but that's nothing new :} and it's true, he's a niftysuperdoodlisious friend :} (thinks) we've been friends for around 6-7 years now. Yay.


I want to visit Bob again.

grrrr to loud airplanes that wake me at way too early in the morning.







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