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01 August, 2002 - 3:49 p.m.

thinking about a few diffent things today.

they had to change the type of sentancing deguzman gets, so he now can only get something like 7-10 years in jail instead of 67 to life. I'm honestly not sure what i think about that. I'm mostly just glad that he was stopped. With everything else going on, it kinda feels like the 67-life is excessive just to make an example of him "this is what happens when you want to commit a terristic act, regardly that it didn't actually happen" but 7 years isn't much. i don't know. neither feels right to me. Then again, I'm a bit too close to home with this one. I can't even immagine what my cousin is going through, or anyone else that could have been killed in the WTC bombing. It's so much more.. i donno. I still get the creepies thinking about it, and it's been 1 1/2 years.

I should stop reading the news at work...

i read about a thing that happened in chicago the other day, some guys had a car accident and injured some girls sitting on the st. and the people standing nearby (about 10 people or so)mobbed and beat them to death :{ more creepieness.

with that, and all the kidnappings out here (another today) it feels like everyone in the country has just gotten so violent and bad and stuff. There's a lot of witchhunting going on it seems. you'd think we'd learn. people are dumb, persons are okay, people are dumb little lemmings. dumb lemmings with too much hate in their hearts and giving it another name in some cases.


Hot out, blegh.

feeling b!tchy from all the news violence stuff.

need cuddles



finding a new yummy restarant downtown



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