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03 August, 2002 - 5:42 p.m.

Bored Bored. La la la. I've been antisocial a bit this last week, and now that i want to go out and do something, no one wants to or they are doing other things. Feh. Bored Bored. I cleaned all the bathrooms and have been doing washing. Yes, I'm that bored. I tried reading, but most of the things i have sitting around waiting to read are stuff where i need to be in the mood to read to be reading them, which i can't do when i'm this antsy-bored feeling. I don't really want to wander on my own though. I may soon. Just go to the park or something. going to a bookstore would be nice, but bus on the weekend this late is a pain.

la la la

must find something to entertain myself.





Uhmm, I cleaned stuff, I suppose that's good.



Now Playing: jill sobule- i kissed a girl, offspring- burn it up, SES- just a feeling �

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