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04 August, 2002 - 12:03 a.m.

MMm i feel much much better now :D Woofie IM'd me that he was really bored. I stated that I was Really Bored. We decided that We should do to favour to ourselves and Unbore Eachother. Heh. Went out to the Nickel arcade and played DDR for over an hour. Once we were too tired to play anymore we went to the theatre to see when austin powers was playing. We picked a show a bit later and went to get fud. I got a powerpuff girls kidsmeal toy. It's blossom with power kick action :} She rocks. THen we went back to the theatre and sat down, and they turned all the lights on, and an usher guy came in and made us laugh and stuff, and the movie started on time, he wasn't stalling, just being silly :} It was what i expected from the movie. funny, stupid, too stupid in parts (what is it with fart jokes in movies lately???) I about hurt myself laughing during the first few minutes :}

I had a good time. Yay. I haven't hung out with woofie enough :} only problem is now i'm hyper and it's past midnight.


need to do laundry


nice cool weather


Silly kid's meal toys

cute Boys, just cuz :}



Now Playing: madonna- into the groove, MTX- Crash, silverchair- ana's song smile DK- boys �

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