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07 August, 2002 - 8:49 a.m.

Nothing exciting reallly.

Work, sleep.

I go down to san diego with veganboy tomorrow :} Hopefully that will be fun.

I happened upon an interesting treasure at werk yesterday. We actually carry a comic by veganboy's old friend Tavisha Wolfgarth. We carry mostly just a bit of Manga and Elfquest and a few other things, so i was surprized to find a small furryart comic :}

I found out there's something going on at the civic auditorium the same weekend as worldcon (conjose), that's expecting a few thousand people to show up. Yikes. bad planning. that area is going to be evil to navigate that weekend. hopefully someone has realized this and they will have cops at the crosswalk to keep people from getting run over like they do when there are other big cons at the convention centre. Heh and there won't be parking for miles prolly. Glad i take transit :}






having company home from werk



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