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20 August, 2002 - 10:10 a.m.

there was a big icky fire near here yesterday, lots of people homeless now, 8 alarm fire. icky icky. poor people.

they even interuppted a song on the radio to talk about it. BIIGGG fire.

I felt so so so sick icky yuck yesterday, i felt like someone was voodoo stabbibg me in the throat or something. I feel a bit better today, my throat doesn't hurt nearly as bad, but i'm still all stuffed up and yuck feeling. Hopefully by tomorrow i'll be all better.



can't sleep, sick. I even took extra nyquil and i couldn't sleep! blagh


shrew was nice and helped clean up the kitchen since i should be doing it, but i was feeling so ucky.

veganboy coming to visit his server lots, cuz i can pretend he's visiting me :D

orange juice



Now Playing: some song from ddr i forget the name of, rammstein- stripped, �

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