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18 August, 2002 - 5:58 p.m.

gah! yuck. I feel like sh*t. Either i'm getting a nasty cold, or my allergies have totally gone insane. I'm all stuffed up and sneezy and generally ucky feeling. Blah. I took some allergy/cold medicine, but now i'm all sleepy.

veganboy had me burn a cd for him today, and came by and got it before work. heheh I like having his server here, i got to see a chobits episode before he did :}



Feel ucky.


i was (gasp) watching MTV today, and there was a commercial for mtv2, where there was someone flipping through lp's finding "cool" music and one of the ones they flipped past was MTX! heh. Silly exposure for mtx.



Now Playing: aqua- lollipop, weird al- this song is just 6 words long, mtx- weather is here... �

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