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18 August, 2002 - 12:25 a.m.

(Bounce bounce bounce) Yay yay yay. I went to a MTX concert tonight with CPG!!! It was very fun. all the bands were great and i even got a cd of one of them, and i got an MTX pin, and I Got to talk with Dr. Frank a bit after the show :} (continues bouncing) They are playing in sac. next weekend, i wish i could go :{ MTX is so so so wonderful and great :}

otherwise, i went to fry's with shrew today and veganboy came over and moved a server into our house.


i need to do laundry. must do laundry tomorrow. need to do many other chore type things too, but i prolly wont, blah

CPG's glasses got knocked off during moshyness and got bent (she fixed them, but it was still sucky)

ants crawling around the house, icky icky, though on the bright side, i discovered ants vacuum up nicely


concert, and veganboy for finding out about it, and CPG for going with me.

vegan jolly rancher gel cups :}

there was something else to cheer about, but i forgot just this moment, i'm sure i'll remember the moment i click "done"

getting a new program for my palm pilot form shrew, that's a paint/doodling program :}



Now Playing: boa- every heart, oingo boingo- nasty habits, tom lehrer- the elements �

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