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15 August, 2002 - 11:46 p.m.

today was fun fun.

woke up and talked to veganboy, and he needed to come over and get CRG's bike, which got a flat when she was over here yesterday. we dropped it off at the bike, shop, went for breakfast/lunch for me, picked up the bike, went shopping at the japanese market. I got a nifty whistle that confuses my cat. it kinda sounds like a duck call, so i think he's wondering where the duck is hiding. we stopped by his house too, and got a new harddrive for lilac, so she's got a bigger brain now :}

I went with rugrat when he went to work on games tonight. it was very fun. I played lots of ddr, and some racing game. we talked about putting an arcade in my living room, yay.

la la la reformatting lilac's new drive... la la la


eating licorice before drinking grape soda is a bad idea, it makes hte grape soda taste weird

rugrat had a soda can explode in the back of his truck and got soda all over himself trying to find the busted one in the 24 pack



new (to me) hard drives for my laptop





Now Playing: virgin voices- bad girl, cats- macavity, enya- only time �

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