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14 August, 2002 - 9:36 a.m.

nothing exciting. work, sleep.

Shrew got me a silly shirt at a Con she went to this last weekend in , uhm wisconsin or some state in that general area. It's a "powerGoth Girls" shirt, with the powerpuff girls dressed up goth :} it's cute and silly :}

I got to hang out with veganboy and CRG for an hour yesterday, fun. Going to hopefully visit CRG again today.

My dad mentioned while i was down visiting that he had googled me and found me, so i tried it, it's just baycon stuff that i could find though, which is the one thing with my name that i know of on the web :}

we talked about plans for the new years party this year. we were thinking about staying at a nice hotel for a change. i looked into it. I found out the discounts i had are gone now, feh. they might be back once the summer travel season is over again though, i'm not sure though. unfortunatly one of the hotels is chargeing $400 for new years eve instead of their normal $170. the doubletree has some though, and the fairmont, both around that price, but that's for deluxe rooms and we want a suite, which would be more, i'll have to call, since there's no options on their website. or pester veganboy to call :}

we hired someone new at werk yesterday, they won't start til september though.

hmm i should start thinking about what i want to do for my bday... i really have no clue. got thinking about it yesterday cuz one of my coworkers had his, and his cousin threw him a huge surprise party :} Heh he was so hungover, i was nice and gave him tylonol and was quiet around him :}


the shelf in the kitchen at work bit me :P i was walking past and trying not to run into the table that was moved from where it normally is, and scraped my arm on the corner. i have a nice purple bruise now and a little scratch :P dumb dumb metal shelf


Cons :}




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