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23 August, 2002 - 12:36 p.m.

Oh gawds, the class was sooo basic. Heh the teacher asked me if i would be interested in teaching it next time around if my supervisor will let me. Heh. I answered some questions when she got stumped :D

On the way home, i saw a group of people playing on the big monopoly board! they had the big huge pillow dice as their dice, and houses and hotels proportioned to the big board, and shirts with the pictures of pieces, with two players for each piece so one could stand in the spot and the other roll dice or whatever. it looked sooooooo fun. I really really want to try it! so we would need 7 people to make it work well, i think. we'd have to figure out something for houses and stuff though. it could be sooo fun. (bounce) CRG and veganboy want to try it, and i'm sure we could find more :}

I went to dinner with CPG, CRG, and veganboy last night, yay. food was kinda blah though, but the good company made up for it :}

today i'm going to go play at the park with woofie.

I already baked a pumpkin pie and i did some laundry. Oh and did the dishes Whhheee.


Still sick some, though better

I forgot to do some stuff while i was at work yesterday, so i have to go in today and get it done. BAH!

letting myself be bored often lately. I haven't been reading even though i've got piles of books, and i'm not writing or drawing at all either, and sitting in front of the puter of tv gets boring after a half hour, but i can't seem to motivate myself to do anything else.


Doing stuff.


confidence, self esteem and all that junk, and things that help boost them :D



Now Playing: MTX- crash, danny elfman- this is halloween, weird al- polka power �

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