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24 August, 2002 - 9:31 p.m.

I spent the day with CRG protecting her from the evils of a family gathering. we went to dinner after which was nice. It was boring though. It was nice to spend time with her though, and i talked to her Mum and she may fix a pair of brokened pants that i have :D

I will visit with woofie a bit tomorrow prolly :}

There is a lot going on in the next few weeks. I still need to figure out what i'm doing for bday :}


I discovered today, that pixy stix aren't vegan! grrrr how not fair is that!

I have to work tomorrow. blah


I got woofie addicted to chobits Hehehehhe.

Vanilla milkshakes


silly cartoons, and tivo, who records them for me :D



Now Playing: SES- U, 2 unlimited- twillight zone, SES- some song i don't have hte character support to write ti title of in korean :D �

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