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27 August, 2002 - 2:10 p.m.

I might get a DDR 7th mix in my house for a week or something like that. Yay. Nifty.

Ugh. Made icky girlstuff Dr. appointment today. Hate those appointments, icky ick ick. Need to though, been almost two years since my last one, bad me. So i have an appointment in two weeks. ick.

Worldcon in in two days! Yay!

I was playing in PhotoShop today and altered a picture of Chii from chobits to look really extra neat, It's on my desktop wallpaper now.

I might be bad and go out dancing tonight, i'm not sure yet, waiting to see what Somebody and JustNate are up to. With all the other stuff going on, i should go home and go to sleepies after work tonight, but....

I've been in a good mood lately, which is good. I've been reading again. I wasn't for a few weeks. I just was too bored, or something, i don't know. I read a book last night in one sitting , and i'm working on another now. I have been drawing too. I'm trying to work on different poses and angles, so i've been drawing things out of my betty page photo book. the first one i did turned out well, though not perfect, the second one i worked on, i haven't been able to get the facial angles right, she's looking quite freaky, but the rest turned out well. i may finish up the first and scan it and put it on my page, not sure yet.


yesterday i had to lug around more books, though not as many as i did on sunday. 5 hours of lugging sunday, 2 yesterday, only one today, in theroy, we'll see. It feels good to be doing something new and useful, but it hurts my back :P

I'm out of soda. I got my caffiene fix with tea, but it's just not the same, i need sugar!

Once i pay rent, I'll have $20 left over untill i get more money, Blech.



spending time at home just relaxing





Now Playing: NIN- starf*ckers inc, offspring- defy you, ranma- yapapa song, LoFi allstars- battleflag �

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