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29 August, 2002 - 10:14 a.m.

Fun is good. Yesterday was very fun, aside from the whole work thing. I had another day of lugging books around, though other than that it was an okay day. I lost my ID badge tues, and that is expensive to replace, and they found it in one of the boxes of books i'd packed :D There were a few people that are going to the con there too, reading books and stuff waiting with their badges for the con to start.

tyger called me a bit before i got out wondering if i'd like a ride home. He picked me up and we went shopping for much needed groceries. We did good too. we saved $45 with sale stuff and coupons, so a whole cart of stuff was only $101. Go Us. After we got in and put everything away, The Pixy stix I had consumed 3 hours earlier kicked in finally i think, cuz i was hyper a bit. Fortunatly Veganboy text msg'd me to see if i was awake around 10:45 and so i called him and we decided to go to our favourite not-dennys 24hour resturant. there were a few people there, though no one we knew, but that's not something to stop us. we got in a creamer stacking contest with some girls, and exchanged banter with another group, and watched their banter with much humour, particularly the part about whose food looked more disgusting, the BLT or corned beef. There was cerimonious water spilling too. Well, at least that is the story i'll stick with :D First one of the girls knocked over her glass, then some other people knocked over a glass as they were getting up, and then as we were leaving, i knocked veganboy's glass all over him. She gave me free cheesecake too. Yum. Very fun. I didn't get in till after 1am, but oh well, who needs sleep. I was up at around 6:30-7ish.

I had a pretty strange dream last night. I was living with one of my coworkers and her gothy daughter, and we were boring her talking about work stuff, and trading shifts, and it just was odd to dream about. I've not even met her daughter, though i know she has black hair with bright red fringe and is in high school.


my inner ear is itchy, i hope that doesn't mean i'm getting an ear infection from my cold :P

I think my kitty is getting sick again, i need to take him to the vet agian, which means finding the money to take him to the vet


Random fun

Having groceries




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