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04 September, 2002 - 9:02 a.m.

Again, Yay for cons, i needed that. Heh, and now i'm working reg. for Ca Extreme this weekend. Busy Kitty.

I work this sunday (again!) blah. I should have never signed up for that extra sunday.. I guess i'm spoiled now though, 2 sundays in a months time seems insanely too much... Oh well. I found out that they are going to start rotating saturdays out too once we move..

I need to figure out what i want to do for my bday.... (think think think)


My neck hurts :p i fell asleep reading last night, so my neck was in a odd position for a few hours.

I need to remember to return the books i'm done with to work...



Sleep, Sleep is good, sleep is my friend. I actually woke up 30 minutes before my alarm was to go off this morning. So much better than waking up to the annoying buzz buzz buzz of the alarm.

GrinningGirl will be out to visit in a week



Now Playing: DM- behind the wheel, concrete blonde- 100 games of solitare, oompa loompas- oompa loompa song #4 (the tv song) �

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