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04 September, 2002 - 9:53 p.m.

I want chocolate cake. I don't know why, I'm just craving chocolate cake, or just cake. somehting with raspberry filling, or lemon, or boston creme pie. something cakelike and fluffy, with lots of frosting. I'm almost tempted to bake one, but it's late and i've to werk in less than 12 hours, and i just got off werk and i'm tired. Maybe i'll go to safeway and buy one of their small cakes tomorrow if i'm still suffering this craving. Mmm or the market downtown, they are expensive, but yummmmmmmyy.

the local free paper has an article in which Rugrat is featured as part of. woo. A little bit of mini-famousness...


I'm really tired sleepy much, Yeah.

Hmmm am i more tired, or more hungry?

Tyger's puter is emmitting a very loud beep....


Silly convos with coworkers



Now Playing: tom petty- mary jane's last dance, david seville- witch doctor, MTX- i just want to do it with you �

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