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06 September, 2002 - 10:02 a.m.

Well I gave in and got a white chocolate cake at the store. I am being nice and sharing with shrew and tyger :} it's Yummy. I got a treasure at work, an art book on lord leighton (bounce)

I had an oops. my supervisor asked me if i could do a meeting thing next week, and i just didn't think about it much and went "next week, yeah sure!" totally not realizeing the time it is is the same time grinninggirl's flight arrives! EEK! luckily she was nice about it and told me it's okay for me to miss the meetingthing to pick up someone arriving from another country. I'll have to remember that as an excuse to get outta meetings in the future.


I was going to bug veganboy to go shopping, but he's already at the store :P

the recycly people suck, they haven't picked up our recyclys in 3 weeks and i've called twice now to complain :P



Getting really stuck in a new book trilogy. I stayed up reading till 1amish because i finished the 1st book around 11 and wanted to start the next one right away, and then couldn't put it down :p Pullman's dark materials trilogy. they're interesting. I can see how sometimes i see it with children's books and sometimes with normal fiction/scifi. it's a simple story mostly, but it touches on a lot of religious and political stuff that if you know more about it, you can read more into it. there's stuff about the philosophies behind the truth of Original Sin, and the meaning of having a soul, but it's not something you have to think about to get into or understand the story, just the basic idea of good and evil is enough to get you by. the ending of the first one was odd though.



Now Playing: aqua- barbie girl, eyeliners- johnny lockhart, meatloaf- life is a lemon(and i want my money back!) �

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