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06 September, 2002 - 3:18 p.m.

what a day, and it's only 3pm.

first i was doing laundry, and after a while i checked, it was still going, odd, my sense of time must be off, then i heard the sound of the washer filling up about an hour later and it was stuck in the spin cycle! so my clothes are extra washed...

then i'm eating lunch and i hear my kitty screaming his head off and struggling sounds and the weirdo's freaking out. he somehow must have been playing in the dining room(prolly attacking the scratching toy thing) and he stuck his paw UNDER the carpet and got his claw stuck in the mesh stuff that holds it together, and he was stuck in this odd position and effectively pinned because of a box sitting there. i managed to get him out with nothing but a bloody claw joint. he was caught up realy well so it took me about a minute to figure out how to get him out with him struggling, the poor thing. he doesn't seem to be hurt much, he's not favouring the paw or anything. So i had my periodic dose of mommy-panic time. I think i need to get his claws trimmed. he got stuck a bit in the windowscreen the other night too. I left him be on that one cuz he wasn't freaking and he needs to learn not to put his paws on the screen.


gardeners are here (sneeze sneeze sneeze) I hate lawnmowing going on, it makes me sneeze lots

I'm hungry

I just got out of the bath, and i managed as i was getting out to drop my towel in the tubwater :P Foo. soggy towel..


pretty smelly bubblebathy stuffs.

posting here more than once a day again. I was going back to only posting once every few days. silly me. I know my life is boring, but i can at least find something to say every day, come on...

Wash, Rinse , Repent, Behold the Rubber Duckie!



Now Playing: boa- listen to my heart, offsring- not the one, toy dolls- asthma �

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