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08 September, 2002 - 10:07 a.m.

Mmmm Ca Extreme was fun. Going again today prolly. Mmmm arcades on freeplay.

work today blah.

mmmmm we went to the japanese market to grocery shop the other day, and i found really nifty candystuffs. it was cotton candy with huge chunks of poprocks stuff in it. Yum. I want more.

My kitty is being overly friendly this morning, twineing around ankles and such, i'm guessing he's hungry :D


everyone is sick, my roomies are both sick, and CPG is sick. I don't want to get sick :P

i need to do laundry


Uhm.. I donno. Something. kitties? arcades?



Now Playing: the sounds of roomies playing evercraq �

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