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13 September, 2002 - 10:29 a.m.

Whhhheeee. Yesterday i picked up Grinninggirl form the airport. Her flight came in 30 minuts early! i had to hurry! we went back to my house and i ate breakfast, and then veganboy called and he took me to go get more hairdye, then we went to saturn, and CRG was with us too :}, and it was fun, then CRG had to go home, so we went to my house and dyed my hair , so it's blue now, with a few purplish streaks.

then we watched simpsons and buffy and we all got tired and veganboy went home and we went to sleep.

today we are going to try to go to the jellybelly factory if we can. yay. i've never been there.


I want japanese food, or a really good chocolate silk pie, i'm not sure which

I need to clean stuff around the house, but i feel weird cleaning around people, particularly guests, so i prolly won't while grinninggirl is here... I need to thwap myself some and do some of it though. the house is starting to get really messy.

I need more CRG hugs and cuddles :P





Good dreams

Music. CRG brought a cd for the trip to saturn, and it had a bunch of stuff i liked, so i took it and put a copy on my puter :D






Now Playing: cranberries- salvation, becca- you make me feel, sr71- right now �

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