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14 September, 2002 - 10:56 a.m.

Yay. Yesterday was fun. Me, Grinninggirl, CRG and veganboy went to the jelly belly factory and go lots of jelly bellies and it was fun. then we went and got CPG and went and had yummy pizza for dinner. after that they dropped me and grinninggirl off and i introduced her to Chobits. She's addicted now, of course :}

i don't know what we are doing today. maybe just sitting around watching chobits, i donno :} veganboy needs to sleep, so not doing anything with him today.


I was dumb and got my fingers slammed in the car door on accident. they feel okay now, though one feels bruised, but it really hurt at the time :{ :{ I must be more aware of my surroundings sometimes.

the school sucks, they are not letting me register, and i have to wait till monday to talk to a human. it's prolly somethign silly like the fact that i've moved since i last resistered.


yummy pizza and good company, Mix well for best results :}

harry potter jelly bellies. the grass and dirt flavours together are kinda yummy :} i haven't braved the vomit or sardine or other yucky flavours yet though :D



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