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15 September, 2002 - 9:15 a.m.

I had two odd dreams last night.

the first i'm not remembering that well now, because it was in the middle of the night, but i was a princess of some sort, and i was argueing with someone over what i had to wear that evening for some fancy event, because i wanted to wear a particular set of jewelry and she didn't like that :P so i crawled out the window, went to the room where the jewels were, put them on and went to where i was supposed to go.

the second was odd, the world was supposedly futuristic, but the world was a desert and all the buildings were stone of adobe. and water was scarce, and the water systems were run on linux puters, and there was an evil guy who knew how to make all the linux puters in the world die, and i was the great to the nth grandaughter of linus, so i was the only one who knew how to thwart the evilguys plans. at one point, we were near the main supersecret building and he was trying to run me over with a huge bulldozer type machine :P meanie!


my lower back is hurting, and i think i'm getting the sickyness that everyone else has had lately :P


I cleaned stuff yesterday



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