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27 September, 2002 - 8:51 p.m.

Ugh. I have a nasty monster headache that is threatening to be a migraine.

Today I went out with tyger and shopped for my bday present from him, a new desk to replace my broken one. I got a really nifty one with a hutch and a cd holder and stuff.

we wandered around some doing other errands after we found the desk i wanted, then come home and I started working on tearing down the old desk and getting everything off it, and building the new one. It was a lot of work. then i plugged in my puter and i couldn't connect to the network and couldn't figure out what was wrong. tyger figured it out. In unplugging my puter, i'd accidently unpluged the server, not enough to make it look unplugged, but enough that it lost power. Oopsie!


bad headache.


new desk

purple sharpie pen!

fresh made lemonade



Now Playing: madonna- pretender, concrete blonde- it'll chew you up... , DDR- hero �

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