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28 September, 2002 - 9:13 p.m.

Yay. lots of fun today!!!!!!!! spent all day at great america. got there around 11am, stayed till 7:30. went on a bunch of coasters and it was a lots of fun, and got a season vip pass for next year (and good for the rest of this year) so can go again and next year and stuff. my legs are sore now, and i got slightly pink from sun, though not bad it looks like. only bad thing was it was crowded, and i didn't get to ride grizzly. we got in line, got to the front of the line, and it broke down! FOO! we got too tired too, so didn't go on all the ones i wanted to cuz was too tired. I won a doggy stuffie, that was nifty. and i ate some yummy fudge flavoured like a caramel apple sundae!



i had a thing of cotton candy and i lost it somewhere in the park :{

icky overpriced bottled water


i still think my new desk is really nifty

roller coasters!

cuddles and nuzzles and stuff.

oogling cute people at the park :D



Now Playing: aerosmith- kings and queens, oingo boingo- little girls, britney spears- crazy �

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