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10 October, 2002 - 10:16 a.m.

(bounce bounce) I got recomended for promotion! wwhhheee yay.

my evaluation was nothing but good stuff :D

went and studied with veganboy after work, which was nice :D I think i'm ready for my test. When i woke up this morning, first thing i did was make myself think of what all the numbers and kana i'm possed to know so far, and i didn't have any trouble thinking of them :}


allergies, still feh.

I kept almost falling asleep at werk. I'm working on my project a lot, and the part i'm on in really repetative. i ended up drinking 2 cups of coffee and doing some exercizes during my break to try to wake myself up.



it's nice and cool out. i have a long sleeved shirt on and i'm not broiling!

goodness at werk



Now Playing: funta- wake up angel (again, the songs funny now that i know the lyrics), �

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