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09 October, 2002 - 9:22 a.m.

A clerk position opened yesterday at werk, it's at a branch, but i applied anyways :} Yay me. Still nervous about my evaluation. la la. my fone got turned off cuz veganboy forgot to pay the bill. nya! bad veganboy. wwaaa.

lost my cat, found my cat, he's all dirty. I'll give him a day to clean himself up before i intervene. I think he was tormenting mo though,. he kept getting attacked and he was swaggering around like he owned the place , i swear he was thinking "nyah! I got to spend the day outside! With the cute girls down the street even! Hahhahahahaha" he was annoying at 4am too. i had my door closed, and he starting meowing at it, so i opened the door and he came in, stared at me a sec, then left. purely a case of "there's a closed door and i don't like this" at 4am ggrrrr.

I had weird dreams last night. i had a few different ones, they were all on the drivway at my dad's old house. in one i was learning ballet for some reason. in the other, all my coworkers were there, and one of them thought it would be fun to roll down the driveway on one of the under the car rollie carts, and i tried to stop her because someone had gotten hurt doing that before, but i was too late, and she broke her arm. icky

I had an odd thought due to circumstance and the fact that i'm trying to learn a language. the noun and verb form of the word "building" being the same is prolly really confusing to someone learning english. I said "they are building a building there" and it just stuck me as something that would be a pain to learn. I donno, random odd thought.


caffiene headaches. I shouldn't have any though, cuz it i'm getting headaches, i've been having too much caffiene.



being able to read things from a distance. I'm getting spoiled. I don't have to get within 5 ft of something io see it :P



Now Playing: funta- wake up angel, disney- yo ho, enya- only time, tmbg- someone keeps moving my chair �

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