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08 October, 2002 - 9:27 a.m.

Eek. nervous. Tomorrow i have my 1 year evaluation that decides if i'm an official permanant employee that they need an excuse to fire (and get my raise!). I don't know why i'm nervous. I did good on the last 2. I may get remarked on for being sick a lot, but i'm used to that, i can't help that :P but i've been kind of slacking in some of my duties to work on other things lately, and i don't know if my supervisor cares or not. The new girl does them, since she's new and has no projects yet, so the work does get done. I'm just worried, i still don't take criticism well. la la nervous.

I hung out with woofie last night, we went to japanese food for dinner, the to fry's to buy him sim's unleashed and be silly and wander around, then we came to my house and played SPFT2 for a bit. he borrowed some cd's, so we are going to try to hang out friday so i can get them back :D

I am doing extra hours at work cuz i need the money. I am working at the branch near my house on the weekends for a few weeks. It's only 8 extra hours (2 4-hour shifts) but that will help some. hopefully it won't be too much that i won't have time to study. I need to do well in this class. I have my first test thurs. I've been practicing lots though, and veganboy will help me. I'm making sure I don't work on the day I have class, that way I know i at least have that time before class to study.


Having no money. I just got paid on friday and I only have $60 left, though i do really have more, cuz i overpaid a bill and they sent me a check for the amount i overpaid ($25) so that will help, once i get a chance to get to the bank. The court stuff is taking a lot of money, and then before i had that, i'd paid $300 to get my glasses. At least i have moneystuffs being taken care of. My only bad i have left really is an old dr. bill, and hopefully i can pay that next paycheck.

allergies suck. it's like springtime at it's worse here, due to the late warm weather. (9am and it's already above 80F) i'm sneezing like crazy, and so are a bunch of other people. people at werk finally noticed we've been out of kleenex for a few weeks :P

Blah. I'm having a girl day. I'm feeling whiny about being ugly and fat and stuff. blahgrr...


weird food. we got these toaster streusel thingys for the toaster that are watermelon flavoured. They are yummy, but kinda odd. watermelon and sugary baked things arn't often together. it's a kid's food. i'm not sure if i like it, but it's still nifty

my hello kitty whistle




Now Playing: be for u- dive, oingo boingo- weird science, ashley macIsaac- wing-stock, offspring- she's got issues �

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