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04 October, 2002 - 11:25 p.m.


I spent the day with veganboy and CRG! we went and got my glasses, and went to lunch, then wandered back to my house and napped, then went to dinner and then a movie! It was very fun. at the movies, i kept having to play with my new glasses, I used to have to sit no furter than half way back to be able to see okay, and i sat about 2 rows farther back than normal and i could see so well, i kept taking them on and off gawking at the difference :D seeing is really nifty :D it's a bit odd, i'm used to having to squint to read stuff, so i'm doing it automatically and it's messing up my vision.

when we left the movie, there was a spider crawling on the windshield. we convinced veganboy to stop and save it. he got it off the car and depositted it near a nice safe bush :} it tried to get away from him and got webbing on him too. It was a pretty yellow spider. I'm glad it's safe, it can eat icky bugs now :D


sneezing, allergies. they are icky.





making plans with veganboy to practice my japanese so that i can learn and he can practice. my first test is next week.



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