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30 October, 2002 - 12:43 p.m.

There is little funnier that watching a cat try to walk across a freshly mopped floor. _step, shake paw, step, shake paw, stop to give nearest human a disgusted look, look for some way to get away from the wet, step, shake paw_

I about hurt myself laughing. I would have helpped my poor baby, but i wasn't sure where he was trying to go, since he was just standing looking helpless in the middle of the livingroom floor i'd just mopped :D

this morning, after i woke up, and crawled onto tyger's bed to cuddle the fuzzies that were laying there, while he was showering, and i was being there all peacful with the kitties, and the brat snuck out of the shower and got his camera and took pictures of me, not really awake with my pj's on and my hair all mussed up and everything :P grrrr. i let him take one more picture after i'd fixed my hair some, so if i end up thinking it's cute, i'll put it up on my site so people can see me with orange/red hair.


bratty roomates :p


warm clothes just outta the dryer

doing stuff, like mopping :D



Now Playing: cure-lullaby, oingo boingo- can't see, MTX- i just want to do it with you �

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