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29 October, 2002 - 10:28 p.m.

Today's quote of the day is brought to you by Veganboy. He was telling me about fixing his cell fone, and the following statement made me almost hurt myself laughing:

"i don't know why macgyver was so fond of paper clips... staples are wonderful"

I found out today that I didn't get the Clerk position. Foo :{ I am sad now.

I did help that today at work, a really cute guy came in, and he needed lots of research help. I was glad to assist him, and it helped my mood. Hhehee

CRG came by today too, and brought me sims since mine had died. I have sims on my laptop now and it works :}


not getting the clerk job

i'm tired and grumpy and my back hurts

I need to start playing ddr again, i haven't been.


baklava ( a trend i know, but i bought a costco pack, it can't be helped)

being helpful

fall leaves



Now Playing: toy dolls- nellie the elephant, offspring- smash, BoA-kiseki �

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