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28 October, 2002 - 9:11 p.m.

today was good. I got a nice compliment at werk for a job well done type of thing. One of my co-workers pointed out that my hair is the colour of iodine on skin. so now i have a colour to compare my hair to, hehehehe. After work, i met up wit CRG for dinner. we when to pasghetti factry. It was yummy, and i got a glass to take home.

yesterday we had the power go out twice, it was sucky. all the poor servers :{ and i had reset all the clocks in the morning for the time change, then both times the power went out. and then no one had bothered to reset half the clocks at work, so this morning i had to reset even more clocks!


the bad side to my cute new hair is i had two different creepy guys hit on me today, one at the train station, and another one once i actually got on the train . Icky. why can't cute non creepy people hit one me?

I was bad, i brought baklava with me to give to crg tonight, and then i decided it looked too yummy, so i ate it with my lunch.


one of my coworkers had mentioned craving candy corn earlier today, and we stopped at walgreens after dinner, so i grabbed a pack and ran it by werk really quick while waiting for the train, and she was highly grateful.

getting to spend time with crg

planning fun things in novenber.

getting to sleep in tomorrow.



Now Playing: beastie boys- she's crafty, switchblade smyphony- witches, BoA- every heart �

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