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27 October, 2002 - 5:56 p.m.

Hhehe i just had fun disturbing my housemates. I made hot cocoa with whipped cream and cherries on top, giggling maniacly through the entire process. they were scared. the cocoa was quite yummy.

today me and shrew swept and mopped, and hung up pictures and vacuumed and stuff, and tyger cleaned the garage so there is finally room to put his car in the garage. I put up my ddr sign above my desk finally, so my desk is now a DDR machine. I should put the arrows by my feet :D while we were cleaning the dining room, i baked cookies, too.

we went shopping for catstuff. got a new scratching cardcoard thing for boo to sit on, since the old ond was scratched to shreads. He likes the new one just as much. :D

then we went to costco and got a bunch of stuff.

it's weird. it's just barely 6 and it's pitchblack out already.

today was a good day though, I got a lot done, and it was fun. It would be nice it there was more daylight time, cuz i don't feel like mopping and vacuuming when it's dark outside for some reason.


my arm where i burned it is at the itchy stage of healing grrr..

tyger not thinking me playing with a clicky noisy candy dispenser and saying "nya" every few seconds for about 15 minutes was uncute and annoying :P he made me put it away :P :P



getting a lot accomplished.

plans to go have dinner tomorrow with CRG :D

I got bored in the car and found a pen and drew a braclet on my arm that looks nifty.

orange hair



Now Playing: george clinton- atomic dog, LOA- the real thing, ses- rock n' nara, J-Lo- it's gonna be alright �

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