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25 October, 2002 - 8:36 p.m.

i have orangy-red hair now :} everyone whose seen it likes it so far. I got told i'm cute a lot (ego gets bigger)

I went shopping today with intent to buy frivelous things. I got cute undies with eeyore on them. Yay :} I went to dinner with CRG and veganboy. yummy.


I wanted to buy a new bra today, but i didn't find anything i liked, nothing fit right, foo

my fone is silly, it's got this function in the text mode that figures out what you was trying ot spell, and they are lazy, so it thinks any plural is just adding an "s" to the end, so bunnies is bunnys, I feel dumb sending that, but i'm too lazy to shift to manual mode for one word :P


being told i'm cute, repeatedly, by different peoples over the last two days


whipped cream :D



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