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25 October, 2002 - 11:18 a.m.

Don't you love it when your parents leave the country and don't remember to tell you? At least i don't have to be worried. I called nana and she told me he's gone to mexico for a week on vacation :P

I missed class yesterday, but it turned out fun, so. the bus was broke down and i would have gotten there really late, so i went home and caalled some friends and we watched repo man and hung out :D

hMmm i was going to go to ikea with veganboy today, but he forgot and went yesterday, so i don't know what to do today.


missing class, stupid bus



curly fries

nice warm comforters



Now Playing: nickelback- never again, marilyn manson- i put a spell on you, rufus wainwright- hallelujah �

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