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24 October, 2002 - 12:00 p.m.

i was bad last night, i went to the movies with veganboy instead of studying. we saw greek wedding. it's soo cute. hhehe.

werk was odd, i felt like i got nothing done really, in the 9 hours i was there, we were quite shortstaffed with people sick, and so i spent most the day on desk, and it was slow.

I'm starting to get worried about my dad, he hasn't called me and i can't get ahold of him. :{

i had a weird dream about being deaf last night. i don't remember much of it though


noisy construction people in our backyard

i'm craving baklava :P

i left my jacket at werk :P


veganboy :} he's nifty

if i get the new job at werk, i get an ecopass. no more paying for transit... i'm drooling with want of it :D



Now Playing: avril lavigne- things i'll never say, SES- you told me, enya- only time �

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