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21 October, 2002 - 10:03 p.m.

today was mostly good, but with some ucky.

i was at werk form 8:20 to 5. i was late cuz there was no train. :P a bunch of other people were later than me cuz of it though, so.

werk was uneventful. I worked on my project most of the day.

after werk i went shopping, i got a new purple comforter, because the kitties destroyed my old one, and some candles, and some organising bins for my drawer in the bathroom so it's not all just haphazzard in the drawer. I feel so girly, my makeup has it's own little bin now.

unfortunately when i got home, i discovered that the my bed had been peed on by shadow again :P foo. had to clean it. grrrr. I'm going ot have to start closing my door when i leave i think. she never goes in when i'm home, so.

I cooked myself some yummy portabella mushroom ravioli for dinner, and i was silly and watched my first episode of "the osbournes" It is an odd show , i don't know if i'll watch it again. it reminded me how mostly useless tv is though.

I just now finally checked my email today, and i have an email from HR, I am being reviewed for the position i applied for. Woohoo. and i got a laugh, cuz i was in her office about the same time she sent me email.


my arm is hurting, where it got burned :P it wasn't hurting, but then the blister burst and now it hurts again :P

dumb kitties.


purple comforter

new candles. i like candles. candles are good.

really yummy ravioli

green tea

cuddlepile attacking people who are sick and grumpy and making them laugh



Now Playing: technotronic- pump up the jam, tmbg- whistling in the dark, tom lehrer- the elements �

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