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20 October, 2002 - 4:20 p.m.

I did lots today, which is good and bad. I told myself i wouldn't do stuff today cuz it's my one day off this week, and yet, i did stuff, cuz it needed it. i did two loads of laundry, vacuumed my room, the puter room and hallway, did some puter stuff for kate, broke down and recycled some boxes, and a few other little things to clean my room.

People in our house are being grumpy the last few days. trying to finally get stuff done here, and plus people are not feeling well, so we are all getting on eachothers nerves some.


I need a new blankie, but i can't carry a blankie on the bus, and i don't wanna order one online, and i can't find anyone to go shopping with me :P Foo.

my new puter isn't working, and i don't have the energy or the know how to figure out why. it's not recognising the Hd or cdrom, so i have something hooked up wrong i guess, but I don't have enough energy to troubleshoot it today


Kate cooked yummy food for dinner last night, and then we made waffles this morning with berries and whipped cream :D




Now Playing: delerium w/ matthew sweet- daylight, wheatus- sunshine, revco-do ya think i'm.. �

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