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18 October, 2002 - 9:57 p.m.

I got to go have morrocan food for dinner, with cute half naked dancing girls even :} Yum. Hhahaha it was very fun. Yay. I need to try to go more often. I even got a backrub from one of the dancers since she was sitting behind us and she saw me crack my back.

I bought a mobo and proccessor to build a new puter today. whhheee. I will work on it this weekend hopefully. though i may not have a monitor after all, so if anyone knows anyone that has one they want to sell cheap... nya!

work was nice and busy and stuff. I got distracted from things for a bit though, cuz someone accidently stamped the worktable with red ink, so i went to wipe it up,a dn the towel came up black from dirt. so i cleared everything off it and attacked it with the "industrial cleaner" we have. so it's all clean now. It was icky though.

the muscle in my upper right arm hurts, but i can't think of anything that i did that would make it hurt, foo, it's kinda not a bad hurt though, just a little bit of hurt from doing too much


I have to be at werk at the one i don't normally work at, at 9am tomorrow. too early.

My Back hurts in the middle.


Belly chains

Impulse purchases. Hehhee At the checkout line when i bought the mobo, they had these silly light up pens, except instead of the ones i'd seen before where it was just one colour (i have a pink one with cheshire cat on it) the lights change colour every few seconds. I did the kitty test, and bookitty ran away from it, it scares him, hehehehehe. so it's all mine mine mine.

I don't normally work fridays, so i got to see the two people who only work fridays at work today.



Now Playing: switchblade symphony- drool, delerium- rememberance, smile.DK- dancing all alone �

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