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18 October, 2002 - 10:46 a.m.

blah, i've had a mild sore throat the last few days, it is worse at night (i'm guessing because there is nothing to distract me then)

I got a perfect on my first quiz in japanese! I however didn't get a perfect on the second. i blanked on 3 of my hiragana, and i'll find out how i did overall next thursday. learning all the number words is really hard.

I got to practice with veganboy last night some. Yay.

my kitty has been sleeping in my bed the last week, i think cuz he hasn't been feeling well, and last night, he didn't. I felt lonely :P I grabbed some stuffies and put then around me and slept better then. I had a weird dream though. cuz during the night at some point i rolled over so that one of them was under my back, so i had this dream that i was stealing some magic book from an evil wizard (his spellbook maybe) and i was hiding it under my shirt on my back, and it was biting me (no, i don't know how the book was biting me, it just was) and then i woke and there was a stuffie under me :P

why do i have such weird dreams?

I'm hungry. i want waffles with strawberries. I don't have any strawberries though, nor any other type of berry :P i should get some frozen to keep around for waffle emergencies.

I think i'll go put that on the grocery list. maybe i'll have a pb&j sandwich. Or something to that effect.


my arm hurts :P dumb oil popped out of the pan and bit me! i have two icky looking burn marks on my arm :P foo. the potstickers i was cooking were yummy, though a bit burned from me stopping long enough to get ice :P


Getting to hang out with veganboy last night

Getting kinda scared last night cuz the girl who i work with in class, who is normally non-girlly showed up in a skirt and her hair all done up fancylike. I didn't recognise her at first. It was odd and funny :D

my japanese teacher is silly.



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