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16 October, 2002 - 10:25 a.m.

some silly person knocked over the traffic light near our house, there were lots of sirens and stuff the other night, and i noticed yesterday, the liht is about 2 ft shorter or more and sandbaged and held up with stuff. so i'm guessing someone hit it. oops

grr winamp is being dumb and not playing music

had some creepy guys follow me some the other night. I ran off and they weren't that intent on following. blah. icky icky. i was walking past the liquer store down the st. and they started walking towards me and shouting "hey girl" type stuff" and i started running and they started following, till i crossed the st. grrr. icky.


i really need to study for my class. i haven't at all except for a bit here and there, very much not enough.



Now Playing: nothing, winamp is being broken :P �

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