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03 November, 2002 - 1:12 a.m.

Yay I am online from my room. Mmmm wireless networking :D No sounds of EQ in the background. I can even be online in the kitchen, if i want to be so addicted :D Heh.

Shrew helped me get my new puter (tentativly being called Poppy) working. It's getting there slowly and should be working within hte week hopefully. She wants to install EQ on my puters so her and tyger's guests that are coming this week can join them in a mass Eq session. I said no for my fave puter, but since she helped on Poppy, i said she could on that one. I Feel so dirty though.

Wow , it's past 1am. last i looked it was barely midnight, and i went "how'd it get so late" then too... I am not tired, and prolly couldn't sleep if i was. I took a nice 3 hour long nap from 2ish to 5ish. I've been feeling like crud yuck all day today. My breathing is being sucky. I woke up at 6am with an attack and a headache. went to werk, but left just before two cuz my head was pounding and i still couldn't breathe. I fell into bed as soon as i got home. Even if i was tired, i prolly couldn't sleep since not being able to breathe would keep me awake till i was so tired i couldn't help but sleep.

yesterday was nice. I went out grocery shopping for a few things, got the idea to try to make something like the mango dessert i saw in a cookbook a week or so ago. I got home and made the dessert, tried to contact veganboy to try it, but he was still asleep. contacted woofie and we went out to dinner, and then headed to a day late halloween gather. It was fun. lots of just hanging around talking and cuddling. I got to meet some new people too, which is nifty.

Uhm. veganboy came over tonight and ate and liked the mango dessert things, and we played Life. He won, But just barely. i had around 1.98 mil and he had 2.02 mil. If i had gotten to the end of the board first i would have won. he just spun more bigger numbers than me :D I want to play clue, but i don't own a clue board, I may have to go get one if the feeling doesn't leave me.

Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow, I need to do some housework. dishes, laundry, vacuuming. all that good stuff.


I still need a monitor for my new puter.

Feeling ucky and not being able to breathe. I hope that i feel better soon, it's rare that i feel so ucky all day like this. Medicine is helping some, but.... and worse, i feel full of energy, but i can't use it really, cuz doing anything with too much moving will make me dizzy :P so i'm just being fidgety

That tempurature where it feels cold, but after being under the blanket/comforter/whatever for 5 minutes, you are too hot and so you have to toss off the blankie, and then you get cold again and need it again, and it's a cruel vicious circle.

having someone mention being itchy and it makes you itchy

dumb political stuff

rude people

fry's employees that don't ask for ID for large credit transactions




trying new food and having it be yummy.

green tea

having my kitty curl up with me during my nap this afternoon



Now Playing: the radio. live- lightening crashes, nelly furtado- i'm like a bird, some songs i don't know �

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